Emilio Delgado López-Cózar holds a degree in History and a PhD in Information Science by University Granada. He is Professor of Research Methods at the School of Communication and Information Studies, University of Granada.
He has given courses and seminars for teachers, researchers, publishers, PhD students, librarians, professionals and editors of journals on the evaluation of science and scientific performance; on the methodology research, scientific writing and literature search; and on the standardizating, editing, dissemination and impact of scientific journals. He has been the supervisor of 11 PhD students, including Daniel Torres-Salinas, Álvaro Cabezas, Rafael Repiso, Nicolás Robinson-García, Guadalupe González, Sergio Ruiz and Alberto Martín-Martín.
He is the creator of the following systems and tools for scientific assessment: H Index Scholar, IN-RECS, IN-RECJ, IN-RECH (Citation Index of Spanish journals in the Social Sciences, Legal Sciences, and Humanities), Journal Scholar Metrics, H index Spanish journals according to Google Scholar Metrics, Scholar Mirrors, Co-author Index, Publishers Scholar Metrics, Book Publishers Library Metrics, Classic Scholar’s Profiles, RESH (Spanish Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities), CIRC (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals), I-UGR Ranking Spanish Universities, EC3 Metaranking Spanish Universities, CIENTIFICA and DNA (National Directory of Authors).
He is interested in various aspects of scientific communication. His current research focuses on the analysis of the new sources of information and scientific evaluation (search engines like Google Scholar, and social networks for academics such as ResearchGate) and on the new metrics used to measure the visibility and the impact of the scientific activity (Altmetrics). He has over 200 publications.
He is a founding member of the EC3 Research Group (Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación Científica).