The time finally arrived: Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, also known as Wences, finished his thesis. After four years under the supervision of Enrique Herrera Viedma and Daniel Torres-Salinas, he is finally ready to be considered a Doctor on Information and Communication Technologies (hurray!)
He defended the thesis last month, at the Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación, with lots of family and colleagues present. The official title is “Big data techniques applied to the study and characterisation of scientific activity on social media”, and you can find the full thesis here (yes, the cover demonstrates big-brain energy), and the presentation he used here!

We are all extremely proud of him, of his hard work, his constant motivation and willingness to help others. He definitely is an inspiration for other PhD students like myself, and to other researchers who already obtained their PhD. In other words, he is someone to look up to and keep an eye on. If he was able to do such an amazing job in four years, who knows where he will be in a decade.
In short, the best is yet to come. As Amaia says, bienvenidos al show!
Congratulations, Wences!