Last month, Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado and Daniel Torres-Salinas participated in the FESABID Spanish Conference on Information and Documentation (JEID according to its acronym in Spanish), that took place at the University of Granada between June 1st and 2nd. As part of the session dedicated to «AI and CHATGPT, Experiences and Communications», they presented their work «Inteligencia Artificial: ¿cuĂ¡l es el rol de los profesionales de la informaciĂ³n?» [«Artificial Intelligence: what is the role of information professionals?»], whose abstract reads as follows:
«With the launch of the OpenAI GPT-3 model, a whole revolution in artificial intelligence has taken place, germinating platforms and applications that affect fundamental tasks, such as the search and generation of information. Far from posing a threat to information professionals, this irruption presents itself as a unique opportunity. Despite its numerous virtues, it cannot be ignored that these tools lack true intelligence. A problem that has been pointed out by the linguist Noam Chomsky, who indicates that ‘this kind of prediction, even when successful, is pseudoscience’. The efforts and challenges required to successfully integrate artificial intelligence into our routine tasks and make correct and responsible use of it are new, that is why we should not blindly hand many of our tasks over to it. The objective of this communication is to shed light on this space by defining and exposing the different roles and tasks that are envisioned for information professionals in this scenario.«
Check out the presentation and the full paper (both in Spanish).