Last week we were honoured to host the “Conference on Scientific Mobility and Talent Attraction: Challenges and Opportunities”. We were able to organize this conference thanks to the Visiting Scholars – Cassidy R. Sugimoto project.
After a warm introduction made by the vice rector Esteban Romero Frías, we started the morning hearing the institutional point of view on scientific mobility. We enjoyed Pedro A. Castillo-Valdivieso (Director del Secretariado de Política Científica, Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia, Universidad de Granada), Koen Jonkers (Editor-in-Chief, Joint Research Centre, European Commission) and María Ros Izquierdo (Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales, Universidad de Granada).
Then, Christian Chacua (Center for International Development, Harvard University), Ana María Jaramillo (Complexity Science Hub Vienna) and Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz (Academia Joven de España) provided us with the challenges and opportunities that come from the researcher point of view.
Last but not least, Cassidy R. Sugimoto (School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Visiting Scholar de la Universidad de Granada) and Vincent Larivière, (Université de Montréal) gave an insightful and important talk on international mobility and scientific excellence in a biased world.
However, that was not it. After a nice and fun lunch, we occupied the afternoon with a workshop in which researchers showed their work-in-progress on the topic.
It was a long and enriching day in which we learned about scientific mobility (and about how to organize a conference!). We would like to thank everyone that helped us, especially Sandra Haro, Esteban Romero, Daniel Torres-Salinas and Medialab. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Enjoy the pictures & see you all next time!