As 2024 starts, it is a good time to look back at 2023 and all that we did last year. While doing that we realised we were quite active on ThinkEPI this past year. Volume 17 of the yearbook included six publications from the EC3 group. Congrats to us!
We present you all the publications, in order of publication.Â

- La multiafiliaciĂ³n. Reflexiones constructivas (Multi-affiliation. Constructive reflections), by Rafael Repiso, Ignacio Aguaded and Julio Montero-DĂaz.
- Negacionismo bibliométrico (Bibliometric denialism), by Daniel Torres-Salinas.
- Acceso Abierto: utopĂas, realidades y cuentas pendientes (Open Access: utopias, realities and unfinished business), by NicolĂ¡s Robinson-GarcĂa and Evaristo JimĂ©nez-Contreras.
4. La gran apuesta, ¿cuĂ¡nto afectan los cambios de Twitter a la comunicaciĂ³n cientĂÂfica? (The big bet, how much do Twitter changes affect science communication?), by Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado.Â
5. Nunca es tarde si la informetrĂa es buena: comentario de Introduction to informetrics (It’s never too late if informetrics is good: a review of Introduction to informetrics), by Elvira GonzĂ¡lez-SalmĂ³n.
6. Entre mĂ©tricas y narraciones: definiciĂ³n y aplicaciones de la BibliometrĂa Narrativa (Between Metrics and Narratives: Definition and Applications of Narrative Bibliometrics), by Daniel Torres-Salinas
We hope you find something to read within this list! From reading classic text to proposing new bibliometric concepts, we are proud of having contributed to the bibliometric world yet another year. Let’s see how 2024 goes!