Hello there! We are starting a new series in which we interview the members of the group, so you, our eager reader, can get to know us and so we can get to know each other better! The first interviewed is Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, one of our new external researchers. Let’s dive right into it!
Hi Zaida! First of all, what is your background?
I started my research career with a PhD in Information Science at Universidad de Granada, which is also where I got my bachelors and Master’s degree. I’ve also worked at Indiana University and at Peking University and I’m currently working at the Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP – CSIC) at Madrid. I also work as a consultant, analyst, and mentor.

And what are your scientific interests?
Well, I like working on everything related to the science of science, but I have devoted most of my research to study scientometrics and research evaluation in particular. I am very passionate about research metrics and assessment, and networks of scientists, institutions, and ideas. I enjoy spending my time studying them and getting a more nuanced picture of how they work.
What will your tasks be at the EC3 research group?
I will engage with the EC3 as an external researcher, which means I will collaborate with both my knowledge on the field and my research skills to obtain the goals of the research group, which perfectly align with my personal preferences.
Lastly, what do you expect to accomplish?
I expect to create good science, to learn from my fellow colleagues and to enter an environment in which there is a healthy and dynamic exchange of ideas. The study of the measurement and evaluation of scientific activity is an ever-changing scientific field and, by joining this research group, I hope to contribute to its move in the right direction. Lastly, I hope to stay in touch with my Granada-roots!
Thank you Zaida! That’s all for today, we hope you enjoyed it 😊 Don’t forget to check out her ORCID, Scopus and Web of Science profiles and her Twitter account to learn more about her! Until next time!