Earlier this week, NicolĂ¡s Robinson-GarcĂa and Daniel Torres-Salinas taught a mini course to PhD students, titled <<ElaboraciĂ³n de CV en entornos digitales>> (Preparation of CV in digital environments). This course was part of a collection of lessons that help students learn more about the academic and professional world. Several of the members in our group attended and found the session very helpful.
During the course, NicolĂ¡s and Daniel covered a variety of topics relating to developing a digital profile in today’s modern world. They talked about differences between academic and industry CV’s and covered websites such as SCOPUS and ORCID, where you can create and edit your academic profile to reflect your education, positions and research publications.
NicolĂ¡s and Daniel did a great job teaching these concepts, and hopefully this course will help the attendees to improve their digital profiles. According to Victoria, a PhD student in the EC3 group, ‘it was a very useful course because it allowed me to systemize information that I had acquired throughout different points of my academic career.’

This minicourse was part of a series of courses designed to help students achieve in academic settings. These courses are only open to UGR doctoral students, but if you fit this criteria and are interested in attending similar upcoming courses, you can view and register for them here.