What a week! As one of my thesis supervisors, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, is part of the Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) from the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), I could attend the wonderful predoctoral conference they did this week. It was the first time doing the “Tejiendo redes entre lo humano y lo social” And I feel extremely lucky to have been a part of it.

The main idea of this event was that PhD students from the CCHS got to know each other. Some of those students usually work somewhere else (myself one of them), so it was very nice to have an opportunity to get together, learn about each other’s work and see our faces. During this two-day workshop, we all got to present our PhD projects, our goals, difficulties and aspirations. Moreover, the nice atmosphere of the room allowed for very insightful and amicable questions and feedback.
As always, being at a multidisciplinary event makes you see your research from a new and unexpected point of view. This time, I was able to truly grasp the political and historical nature of my PhD and I was very happy to see people were interested in it! Moreover, I got to learn about so many interesting topics – from archaeobotany to art at the beginning of the century.

This kind of community-building projects are definitely one of the best things about academia. I want to thank the organisers, the participants and everyone that was involved in creating such a nice event. I hope to see you all next year 😊