Daniel Torres-Salinas and Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado have been working intensely since last year on the relationship between artificial inteligencia and academia. So much so that the digital newspaper Granada Hoy has just published an article about it, titled «El decálogo de un profesor de la Universidad de Granada para usar la inteligencia artificial en trabajos de fin de grado y fin de máster» [«The decalogue of a University of Granada professor to use artificial intelligence in final degree and master’s projects»]. Kudos to them! The article makes reference to the «Manual de ChatGPT: aplicaciones en investigación y educación universitaria 2.0» [«ChatGPT Manual: applications in research and university education 2.0»], whose updated version can be freely downloaded.

As many other professors and researchers, Dani and Wences felt profoundly impacted by the release of Chat GPT in late 2022, but began exploring this and other AI tools in order to make the most of them in their daily work alongside colleagues and students. Here are some of the online courses they have organized on the subject on the #YoSigoPublicando platform (Disclaimer! They are taught in Spanish):
▶️ «#EventoYoSigo: ChatGPT se integra en el buscador Bing, lo hemos probado y te lo contamos», by Ramón Montes-Rodríguez, Daniel Torres-Salinas and Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado.
▶️ «ChatGPT en la universidad: usos prácticos en diferentes contextos académicos», by Daniel Torres-Salinas and Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado.
▶️ «#EventoYoSigo: Presentación del manual de ChatGPT y nuevas funcionalidades de la IA para la búsqueda bibliográfica», by Daniel Torres-Salinas and Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado.
▶️ «Revisión de un año de IA y actualización del manual de ChatGPT», by Daniel Torres-Salinas, Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, Juan José Boté and Lluís Codina.
If you find any of these contents useful, make sure to stay tuned! And follow Dani and Wences on their Twitter accounts for more: