The EC3 group is starting the new year with another international experience. This time, Nicolás Robinson-García has traveled to Dublin (Ireland) to participate in the “Ensuring Inclusive Research Careers” conference. The conference was held by the Royal Irish Academy and the Higher Education Authority on the 10th of January.
What was it about?

The goal of the experience was to explore the challenges of inclusivity in research careers and to champion some examples of positive change both in Ireland and in the rest of the world. They tackled issues such as research assessment and the challenging economic climate on the diversity of those pursuing and succeeding in careers in research.
Robinson-García participated in the first session, talking about diversity and recognition in research teams. He shared session with Dr Dagmara Niedziela, whose intervention was titled “From academia to industry – career story of a postdoctoral researcher”, and Professor Bert Overlaet, who explained “How to assess for diversity in research”.
If you missed it, don’t worry about it! The whole session was recorded and you can access Nicolás’s presentation here! Enjoy 🤓