Our podcast is back!: Say hello to BoB feat. COMPARE

Hello! Our podcast, Bibliometría o Barbarie (BoB), is back! This time we are presenting a special season featuring COMPARE. The COMPARE (COntextual Mapping of academic Pathways Analysis for Research Evaluation) project aims at unveiling diversity in the ecosystem of science, so the special season BoB feat. COMPARE is a bit different from what we are used to. This time, instead of interviewing classic researchers from the bibliometric world, we are interviewing researchers that have a diverse research profile, and we have asked them about that. More specifically, we have interviewed: 

The first two episodes of the season are out. In the first one, we briefly ask Daniel Innerarity to talk about his profile that combines the usual way of disseminating science with an approach more open to the population outside of academia. 

The second one includes our interview with Pablo SimĂ³n, where he shares his experiences as a researcher and public opinion leader. Don’t miss it! 

We hope you enjoy it! 

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