Between the last days of May and the first of June, our PhD students Elvira GonzĂ¡lez-SalmĂ³n and Victoria Di CĂ©sare attended the course «Datos: adquisiciĂ³n, transformaciĂ³n y visualizaciĂ³n» (Data: acquisition, transformation and visualization). It was taught within the framework of the Doctoral School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law by Dr. VĂctor Herrero-Solana, professor of the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Granada.

The main goal of this activity was to offer the students a global understanding of the data sharing phenomenon. They were able to learn about the concepts and basic instruments for the localization, reutilization and publication of research-derived data.
The agenda of this week-long course held at the International Graduate School was as follows:
- The importance of data for research
- Data repositories
- Open exchange formats
- Open data policies
- Exploratory analysis and data visualization
- Machine learning for data classification