Our team members, Daniel Torres-Salinas and Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, were part of the V ISCAR Ibérica Conference, organized by the Iberian division of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research. They presented their work titled «Los medios sociales como campo de estudio de interés multidisciplinar» [«Social media as a field of study of multidisciplinary interest»] within the symposium on opportunities, synergies and limitations of different research methodologies for the analysis of biographical discourses and about social problems.
This particular symposium was coordinated by colleagues Irina Rasskin (University of Extremadura) and Esperanza Meri (University of Valencia), and moderated by Domingo Barroso (University of Extremadura). Its main objective was to offer a space for joint reflection on the opportunities and limitations that the use of different methodologies can present when critically reflecting on the construction of certain discourses and narratives. Other presentations were «Oportunidades y limitaciones de la metodologĂa PhotoVoice dentro del Ă¡mbito psico-socio-educativo» [«Opportunities and limitations of the PhotoVoice methodology within the psycho-socio-educational field»] by FernĂ¡ndez-Pacheco and Rasskin-Gutman, and «AplicaciĂ³n de una aproximaciĂ³n metodolĂ³gica longitudinal al anĂ¡lisis de transiciones formativas en FormaciĂ³n Profesional» [«Application of a longitudinal methodological approach to the analysis of formative transitions in Vocational Training»] by AbiĂ©tar et al.
Check out Dani’s and Wenceslao’s presentation, as well as ISCAR IbĂ©rica 2023’s full program.