A couple of weeks ago Vicky and I were at the summit of our PhD courses marathon and we had the chance to enjoy a session on Open Access by Juan Gorráiz, renowned member of the EC3 Group. The course was called “Ciencia abierta: mitos, retos, oportunidades y peligros de la ciencia en la era digital” (Open Science: Myths, challenges, opportunities and dangers of science in the digital age”).

During the two mornings that it lasted, we learned everything there is to know about Open Science. However, it did not feel like a textbook experience. The way in which the class was envisioned had a participative spirit that made us all reflect our thoughts out loud and share them with others, that way having an enriching and thoughtful experience. It was, without a doubt, a great opportunity to pause and reflect on what is going on in the academic world, a world which we are just starting to understand.
Moreover, coffee breaks were as instructive as the time spent in the classroom, thanks to Gorraiz’s open nature and the active participation of the students. It was a great way to close PhD Courses Season, taking home the question of what kind of researchers we want to be. Let’s hope we can enjoy one of his seminars again!