With classes starting back up, we recognize the continuation of the #yosigopublicando project that is making a return this week. This program was born in 2019 as the Covid-19 pandemic created change for students and professors. The goal was to virtualize the courses of the Research Promotion Plan for those post-grad and research students. Over the years, there has been a significant expansion within the virtual program including an increase of courses, teachers, and online users.

Members of the EC3 research group that will be teaching courses for the program include Daniel Torres-Salinas, Nicolas Robinson-GarcĂa, Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, and Ruben Alba-Ruiz. The return of this program will be beneficial for those communities of students who have already narrowed down their intended career paths, but also any member or student of the UGR community that is interested. A rebrand was also done this past February recently changing the name of the program to #YosigoUGR. The opportunity to obtain certification in courses on scientific and academic themes awaits and we can’t wait to see this program back in full force.
Stay tuned for more exciting news to come!