As part of a Teaching Innovation Plan within the framework of the University of Granada’s Own Plan, the Department of Microbiology, in collaboration with the Department of Information and Communication, has developed an educational strategy focused on organizing seminars and conferences. This initiative aims to raise awareness among students about various relevant topics, leading to the implementation of the «1st Congress on Awareness of the Problem of Antibiotic Resistance.» The main objective of this event was the creation and presentation of scientific posters addressing this phenomenon.
The organizing committee included the participation of Daniel Torres Salinas and Rafael Ruiz as representatives of the Department of Information and Communication, which has supported this initiative. Along with the rest of the committee members, including professors Miguel Ángel Ruiz Fresneda, Mohamed Larbi Merroun, and Mar Morales Hidalgo, they evaluated the work of more than thirty university students, highlighting their effort and dedication.
After awarding the three best works, the faculty in charge of this project emphasized the success of this first edition, both in terms of the high participation rate and the quality of the presented posters. Furthermore, they announced that they are already working on a second event following the same thematic line. The faculty has also stressed the importance of continuing to raise awareness among students about this complex issue, using innovative teaching tools to foster deeper and more engaged learning.