
YSP – YoSigoPublicando


The #yosigopublicando project was born as a reaction to the situation of confinement we were forced into in March 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic. At that time, the aim was to virtualise the courses of the Research Promotion Plan of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer, as well as to provide training options for the students of the International Postgraduate School. Therefore, these virtual courses aimed to serve two communities with common but diverse interests: researchers with more consolidated careers, and postgraduate students in the formative stages of their research or professional careers.

One of the most outstanding features of our community was the quick reaction to the COVID19 crisis, as we launched the first course on 24 March, less than two weeks after the unexpected lockdown. #yosigopublicando was continued during the 2020/2021 academic year in the same format and structure. Thanks to the institutional and unambiguous support of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer, as well as the International Postgraduate School, the initiative, despite being a homemade emergency response and action-oriented, has achieved a wide dissemination and high rates of participation and acceptance.

Read more on the website