If there is something we love to do at EC3 it is experimenting with new formats and communication styles. Throughout the years we’ve produced presentations, videos, blog posts, tweets, press releases… But there was something that the EC3 group hadn’t done before…a podcast!
We are very happy to launch “Bibliometría o barbarie” (“Bibliometrics or barbarism”), our little new toy. It takes its name from the famous misquote made by Rose Luxemburg, a Polish revolutionary socialist:

Friedrich Engels once said: ‘Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism.’
Rose Luxemburg, Junius Pamphlet cited by Angus, 2014
We will start with a series of interviews to scientometricians related with Spain, follow their career trajectory and, in this way, learn about the development of the discipline in the country. Here comes our first season!
Episode #1 – Interview with Juan Gorraiz
In our first episode, we interview Juan Gorraiz, a pioneer in the professionalization of scientometrics and its introduction as a dedicated service for universities, and a dear friend.
Episode #2 – Interview with Henk Moed
Second, our own exclusive: a very special interview with Henk Moed, who sadly passed away a few weeks after it was recorded. This episode, along with this website and video, and to whom we pay homage in the episode.
Episode #3 – Interview with Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras
For our season finale, we interview Evaristo Jiménez Contreras, our mentor and founding director of the EC3 Research group, with whom we talk about the development of the group.
You can access all the episodes on Ivoox and Spotify. We really hope you enjoy them! Oh! And I am afraid, except for episode 2 they are all in Spanish! If you have any question, comment or suggestion as to whom we could interview next, please don’t hesitate to contact us 😊
Many special thanks to Luis Narbona Molina for the art used in the cover!