What a great Monday we’ve had! The group is expanding and welcoming new students that are framing their thesis within EC3’s values and goals. These PhD students are eager to put their ideas into practice and this week we’ve had a meeting to discuss their first steps.
During the meeting, Enrique de la Fuente, Victoria Di CĂ©sare and Elvira GonzĂ¡lez-SalmĂ³n presented their research plan to the rest of the group. Unsurprisingly, they did a great job, and we had a lovely time discussing their projects. The comments and questions that the rest of the group proposed were extremely helpful and insightful, and will help nourish these thesis proposals.

The presentations gave us the chance to deepen our knowledge of the work that each other is doing. Enrique’s research focuses on the economic and academic performance of the Andalusian university system, Victoria is interested in the North-South scientific relationship and dynamics and Elvira wants to research the relationship between the gender of researchers and the type of knowledge they generate.
We can’t wait to see how these projects develop, progress and mature. By the next time we meet again, we’re sure they will impress us (again) with their results!