Rafael Repiso, a well-known member of the EC3 group, got a new position at the Universidad de Málaga. After years of collaborating and working at the Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Huelva and Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, last week he applied for tenure and is now an Associate Professor at Málaga! You can access his presentation here!
His research proposal is called “Meta-investigación en comunicación. Trayectorias académicas de las Ciencias de la Información en España”. As expected, it is a multidisciplinary investigation that assembles theories and techniques from documentation, journalism, audiovisual communication, advertising and public relations, such as bibliometrics, social network analysis and functionally Open Science.

He aims at identifying and studying the academic trajectories of the professors who make up the area of information sciences, its main protagonists and revitalizers of the discipline. More specifically, his research will study how academics are distributed by universities, where they are trained, where they work, what are the usual promotion times, what scientific production they accumulate, what contracts they hold, etc. Moreover, he will analyse differences and similarities among researchers, taking into account gender, areas, regions, etc.
We believe in the usefulness and necessity of his research in a world where detailed and reliable information is needed to make policy decisions and where local/national characteristics are fundamental to allocate resources wisely. We wish him the best in his new enterprise!