The EC3 reading club keeps going strong! The cold is coming to Granada and with it, the idea of discussing readings and then having a warm coffee looks better than ever, and that is exactly what we have done in November and December.

For the November reading club we read “The Invisible Technician” by S. Shapin, and Elvira presented it at the Ágora (V Centenario, Universidad de Granada). The following month Aoxia prepared a presentation for “A cast of thousands: Coauthorship and subauthorship collaboration in the 20th century as manifested in the scholarly journal literature of psychology and philosophy” by B. Cronin, D. Shaw and K. La Barre.
Next read will be “Measuring the growth of science: A review of indicators of scientific growth” by G. N. Gilbert, which sounds great. Last but not least, we have opened up a new space on the website to organise the reads we’ve done, and you can find it here! We hope you enjoy this new way of recording the readings as much as we do 🙂