Dr. Manuel Escabias, Assistant Professor in Statistics at the University of Granada and member of the COMPARE Project, offered last week a two day course for PhD students titled «EstadĂstica para Ciencias Sociales con SPSS» (Statistics for Social Sciences with SPSS). Elvira GonzĂ¡lez-SalmĂ³n and Victoria Di CĂ©sare, both enrolled in the Doctoral Program on Social Sciences, attended as part of their training activities and found it very helpful to refresh some theoretical knowledge, that they will be able to apply in R language.

The course took place in CEPRUD, the UGR Digital Resources Production Center, and was structured in two parts, one for each day of training. The first addressed an overview of SPSS software, whereas the second dove into the theory and practice of statistical methods, such as:
- Descriptive statistics
- Inference with a sample
- Comparison of two samples
- Comparison of several samples
- Regression models
Following this introductory course, Elvira and Victoria are eager to continue consolidating their knowledge in Statistics with advanced training on the subject.