Daniel Torres-Salinas, NicolĂ¡s Robinson-GarciĂ¡, and Evaristo JimĂ©nez-Contreras just published a new literature review titled <<The bibliometric journey towards technological and social change: A review of current challenges and issues>>.
The paper has six main sections that discuss bibliometrics from a technological, theoretical, and social perspective, as outlined in the figure below:

The full article is available here in both Spanish and English and can be cited as:
Torres-Salinas, D., Robinson-GarcĂa, N., & JimĂ©nez-Contreras, E. (2023). The bibliometric journey towards technological and social change: A review of current challenges and issues. Profesional De La informaciĂ³n, 32(2). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2023.mar.28