Last Tuesday, February 13th, an U-CHASS conference was conducted to discuss the updates of U-CHASS and new happenings within the group. To kick things off, Nicolas Robinson-García talked about the new changes to the website for U-CHASS and how more frequent meetings are essential in the future.
Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras helped to explain and propose the idea of a project around the concept of Computational Social and Human Sciences that assimilates with a proposal made by Juan Luis Castro in his ideas around the subject. There is much hope that these proposals will turn into initiatives with the help of Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio as well. Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio also presented the Freedom of Movement project led by the University of Murcia and discussed further initiatives where action is needed.
To close things out, Luca D’Aniello, who is a visiting researcher of the EC3 group presented his thesis on natural language processing. His thesis says “From Scientific Knowledge Synthesis to cutting-edge discovery”. He started to work on Italian Academic Medical Centers looking more specifically at aspects of education and care. Luca displayed a new developing tool, «SciK-Health». The idea explained shows how it takes way too long to read so many academic papers in such a short period of time.

This tool condenses the amount of words in an academic paper and takes out the important bits and pieces that are most vital to read. Luca showed us the different features and tricks within the tool and how beneficial it could be for the time spent reading different articles and papers.
We hope you are now more informed on the happenings of this meeting and the work done by different members of the group. Stay tuned for more information on U-CHASS!