Last week was an intense one for the EC3 group. We did both ordinary and extraordinary things, which, if you think about it, it’s what academia is all about. And, as always, we are here to tell you all about it.
On Wednesday we had a wonderful U-CHASS seminar. This time, the seminar/meeting was divided into three parts. Firstly, Nico presented the U-CHASS website. If you click the link you can see how cool it is and how many interesting people and projects are involved in U-CHASS. And this unit of excellence it’s only just starting! Oh, and if keeping up with the EC3 news was not enough for you, worry no more: the U-CHASS website will also be updated regularly!

Secondly, Lidia Bocanegra presented her ideas to create a Master on Computational Sciences techniques applied to Humanities and Social Sciences. We won’t spoil you what’s coming, but let’s just say she presented an analysis of all existing masters on the topic and proposed something very, very interesting.
Last but not least, Ágata Ignaciuk presented her past, current and future research on abortion in Spain after its legalisation, i.e. focusing on its application. From now onwards she will be working with Lidia Bocanegra as well, looking for a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques.

And on Friday we had another reading club session! This time I (Elvira) presented Six case studies of international collaboration in science by Caroline Wagner. We really enjoyed discussing those 2000’s maps and articles’ aesthetics. We wondered whether it would be interesting to create some kind of palaeontology of bibliometric methods. We have to keep on working on our thesis, so let’s see if someone else picks up this idea!
And that was it! I personally believe it was a very good week. Let’s see what the future brings (asides from +30º degrees)