Welcome Lauranne! EC3 hosts a visiting scholar

¡Bienvenida a España! This week, EC3 is delighted to collaborate with visiting scholar Lauranne Chaignon, a bibliometric researcher from PSL University. She has worked on several different bibliometric projects in the past, and her current research is focused on evaluating the HCR (Highly Cited Researcher) metric from a variety of different angles. She is working on this project with Daniel Egret and Domingo Docampo, the latter of whom helped set up this collaboration. 

Lauranne arrived on Monday morning, and the group kicked off the visit with a meeting to introduce the various projects our lab and Lauranne is working on. There are many parallels between the two group’s research, and right off the bat, they started sharing different resources, techniques, and tips. She will be here for the rest of this week, and we are very excited to continue sharing knowledge and ideas!

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Welcome Lauranne! EC3 hosts a visiting scholar

¡Bienvenida a España! This week, EC3 is delighted to collaborate with visiting scholar Lauranne Chaignon, a bibliometric researcher from PSL University. She has worked on