Hello there! The fourth season of Yosigopublicando is here!
As we explain here, Yosigopublicando (YSP) is an open online platform aimed specially but not exclusively at PhD students, in which anyone interested (you don’t have to be part of the Universidad de Granada) can enrol in and receive certified courses and participate in the community and certificate activities (for free!).

Last season YSP offered more than 30 courses on various topics such as the possibilities of Zotero, Excel, Access, Twitter, Open Refine and R, among others, and useful tips for researchers at any stage of their career.
We are proud to announce that more than 2500 people have enjoyed the courses so far. If you missed the last seasons or if you want to rewatch some of the videos, don’t worry, we have your back! We have gathered all the videos here!
In this season we stepped up our game, we listened to people’s suggestions, and we have prepared some new courses that will surprise and hopefully enlighten our audience! For instance, the next three courses will be on SPSS, R and the researchers’s rights. Join the Telegram group if you want to be the first to know about the latest news or if you want to ask any question to the group. Don’t be shy, all questions are welcome!
Keep an eye on the yosigopublicando website, we will offer courses in English soon!